Kasım Sinan Yıldırım


Welcome to my homepage! I am currently an associate professor at the University of Trento, Department of Information Engineering and Computer Science. I created this website to share the output of my studies and be reachable. I am a member of HIPEAC community.

I got my PhD in Computer Science and Engineering from Ege University, Turkiye, in 2012. Between 2015 and 2017, I was a postdoctoral researcher at the Embedded and Networked Systems Group at Delft University of Technology, the Netherlands. I was an embedded software engineer at Beko Electronics (Grundig) R&D, Turkiye between 2003 and 2007.

I am interested in the research problems of low-power and networked embedded sensing systems. Together with my learning partners, we study sensor networks, wireless protocols, self-organizing and distributed algorithms, operating systems/run-times, architectural support, digital design, intermittent computing, and tiny machine learning. You can check ENT-Lab Research Group to see our software releases.

Email me if you are interested in doing research with me. I have:

- Open positions for postdocs and PhDs; 
- Several master thesis projects; and 
- Thesis topics and internship projects for undergraduate students.

Publications (selected)

Please check my GoogleScholar profile for a full list of publications.

Program Committee (selected)

  • DATE (2025), NSDI (2025), EMSOFT (2024, 2023), EnsSys (2024, 2023,2022,2021,2020), IGSC (2024, 2023), IEEE RFID (2023, 2022, 2021, 2020)


  • Publicity Chair, MobiSys 2025
  • Technical Program Chair, 2022 IEEE International Workshop on Metrology for Industry 4.0 and IoT
  • Organizer, TPC 2017 – The IDEA League Doctoral School on Transiently Powered Computing
  • Publicity Chair, HLPC2016 (Hilariously Low-Power Computing) Workshop under ASPLOS

Honours and Awards

  • Best paper runner-up, Zero Power Energy-Aware Communication for Transiently-Powered Sensing Systems, ENSsys’20.
  • Best Paper Award, Self Adaptive Safe Provisioning of Wireless Power using DCOPs SASO’17,
  • Supervisor Award, 3rd Place, Undergraduate Students Software Projects Competition TÜBİTAK (Turkish Research Foundation)-BİDEB 2242, 2014

Supervised Thesis

  • Khakim Akhunov, Ph.D., Enabling Full-Fledged Parallelism on Intermittently Powered Computing 2024
  • Welid Ben Yahmed, (co-advised with Danilo Pietro Pau), M.Sc., Tiny Machine Learning for Drift Compensation of Mems Pressure Sensors
  • Alessandro Torissi (co-advised with Davide Brunelli), Ph.D., Ultra Low Power Electronics and Communication Methods for Energy-Harvesting Batteryless IoT Devices 2023
  • Eren Yıldız, PhD, Systems Support for Intermittent Computing 2023
  • Çağlar Durmaz (co-advised with Geylani Kardas), PhD, A programming language and virtual machine for developing intermittently powered systems 2022
  • Michele Pio Fragasso (co-advised with Davide Brunelli) MSc, Development of an Intermittent Computing Architecture for Machine Learning on Configurable Platform, 2023
  • Luca Caronti (co-advised with Davide Brunelli), MSc, Adaptive Hardware Accelerated Intermittent Deep Neural Network Inference, 2022
  • Murat Mülayim, MSc, Fast and bug-free application development for intermittently-powered devices, 2020
  • Vito Koortbek (co-advised with Przemyslaw Pawelczak), MSc, Dependable Dynamic Checkpoints for Batteryless Devices, 2019
  • Michel Jansen (co-advised with Przemyslaw Pawelczak), MSc, Backscatter Tag-to-Tag Network 2017

Project Proposal Review (selected)

  • External Reviewer, Chist-Era Call, 2020
  • Panel Member, Academy of Finland, Helsinki (Beyond 5G systems review panel), 2017

Journal Reviewer (selected)

  • Proceedings of the ACM on Interactive, Mobile, Wearable and Ubiquitous Technologies, ACM Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems, ACM Transactions on Sensor Networks, Transactions on Cyber-Physical Systems, IEEE Internet of Things Journal, IEEE Sensors Journal, IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, IEEE Communications Magazine, IEEE Communications Letters, IEEE Wireless Communications Letters, IEEE Transactions on Control of Network Systems, IEEE Journal of Radio Frequency Identification, IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems


  • Low Power Embedded Systems (graduate)
  • Embedded Software for the Internet of Things
  • Computer Architectures

Past teaching

  • Logic Design
  • Digital Computer Design
  • Wireless Embedded Systems (graduate)
  • The Principles of Signals and Wireless Communication for Embedded Systems (graduate)
  • Distributed Estimation and Control (graduate)
  • Distributed Algorithms for Multi-Agent Networks (graduate)